
Multiple nationality, obtaining, retaining and regaining Belgian nationality.

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Multiple nationalities

Does Belgium allow multiple nationality?

Yes, since April 29, 2008, Belgium allows voluntary multiple nationality.

Does Norway allow multiple nationality?

Yes, since January 1, 2020, Norway allows voluntary multiple nationality. For more information, click here.

Does Iceland allow multiple nationality?

Yes. For more information: click here.

Obtaining Belgian nationality

I am Belgian, is my child also Belgian?

The basic principle is that the Belgian nationality is automatically transferred from parent to child if the following legal conditions are met:

  • You are Belgian
  • You were born in Belgium
  • The parental bond to the child is established according to Belgian law and this before the 18th birthday of the child

If you do not meet these conditions: contact the embassy by e-mail or telephone. Always include the following information:

  • Your name, date of birth and place of birth
  • The name, date of birth, place of birth and any other nationality of your child

Detailed information about the registration of (newborn) children.

I have a Belgian parent, am I also Belgian?

Mabye, if the following conditions are met:

  • The Belgian parent was born in Belgium
  • The parentage is established under Belgian law

Contact the embassy by e-mail or telephone. Always include the following information:

  • Your name, date of birth and place of birth
  • The name, date of birth and place of birth of your Belgian parent

I am Belgian, can my partner also become Belgian?

This is only possible if you both live in Belgium. The procedure takes place via the municipality of residence.

Conservation of the Belgian nationality

Do I need to declare to conserve my Belgian nationality?

You must declare to conserve your Belgian nationality if:

  • You are Belgian AND
  • You are between 18 and 27 years old AND
  • You were born outside of Belgium AND
  • Between the ages of 18 and 28, your main place of residence was not in Belgium AND
  • In addition to Belgian nationality, you have one or more other nationalities AND
  • You do not hold office in the name of the Belgian state

When do I need to declare to conserve my Belgian nationality?

You must do this no later than the day before your 28th birthday. If not, you will automatically lose your Belgian nationality on your 28th birthday.

How can I declare to conserve my Belgian nationality?

  • Applying for and obtaining a Belgian passport between your 18th and 28th birthday OR
  • Applying for and obtaining a Belgian identity card between your 18th and 28th birthday OR
  • Making a declaration of conservation of nationality at the embassy in Oslo between your 18th and 28th birthday

Regaining the Belgian nationality

Did you declare to conserve your Belgian nationality?

Contact us for more information about the procedure for regaining Belgian nationality.

Have you renounced your Belgian nationality?

You can only regain Belgian nationality if you live in Belgium. The procedure takes place via the municipality of residence.