Last updated on
- Financial sponsorship of a student
- Registration (newborn) child
- Life certificate
- Nationality
- Searching for a person
- Pension
- Travelling with animals
- Driving license
- Moving to Norway, Iceland or Belgium
- Elections
- Loss or theft of a passport or identity card
Financial sponsorship of a student
You can find detailed information on financial sponsorship of a student on this page.
Registration (newborn) child
You can find detailed information on the registration of a (newborn) child on this page.
Life certificate
Who can sign and stamp my life certificate?
- The embassy in Oslo, by appointment
- The local police in Norway
- The local police in Iceland
How much does a life certificate cost?
This service is free.
I can’t travel to Oslo, what now?
You provide us the following documents by post:
- Dully completed life certificate
- Addressed and sufficiently stamped envelope
Once received, we ask you to email us a photo of yourself with ID and proof of date (e.g. newspaper of the day).
We will send the signed and stamped life certificate to the Belgian pension service.
Searching for a person
Are you looking for information about family members or friends?
The embassy cannot share personal data with third parties.
You can use the following websites to find information yourself:
- genealogy websites (type the word ‘genealogy’ into one of the search robots and you will immediately find a host of websites)
- Belgian State Archives
- City archives
- Social media
The embassy has no jurisdiction over pensions and cannot answer specific questions.
:Relevant information can be found via the links below:
- Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs
- Belgian federal pension service
- Mypension.be
- Norwegian pension service
- Icelandic pension service
Travelling with animals
To Belgium
For information on importing pets into Belgium, consult the FPS Public Health website.
E-mail: apf.vetserv@health.fgov.be
Tel: +3225247317
To Norway
For information on travelling with pets from Belgium to Norway, consult the Mattilsynet website.
To Iceland
The import of living animals into Iceland is very strictly regulated. Animals must spend 2 weeks in quarantine on arrival. For more information, consult the mast (Icelandic food and veterinarian authority) website.
Driving license
Is my Belgian driving license valid in Norway and Iceland?
Experience shows that more and more problems are emerging with the old, paper driving licenses abroad. It is recommended to exchange your driving license to the current variant in bank card format.
Can I renew my driving license at the embassy in Oslo?
National European driving licenses may only be issued on the territory of the Member States. At the same time, Belgian municipalities may only issue driving licenses to residents registered in their population registers.
If you have deregistered from Belgium, you can no longer obtain a Belgian driving license.
You can exchange your Belgian driving license for a Norwegian or Icelandic one.
To do so, contact Statens vegvesen (Norway) or the District Commissioner’s office (Iceland).
My driving license has been stolen/lost. What now?
If you are still registered in Belgium, you can still obtain a new driving license from the municipality. In case of theft, bring your police report with you.
If you are no longer registered in Belgium, you must apply for a Norwegian or Icelandic driving license. You can obtain a certificate of your Belgian driving license in your last municipality of registration.
Moving to Norway, Iceland or Belgium
You can find detailed information on moving to Norway, Iceland or Belgium on this page.
You can find detailed information on the elections for Belgians abroad on this page.
Loss or theft of a passport or identity card
Did you lose your passport or identity card or was it stolen? Click here.