Last updated on
Payment methods
- By bank card during a personal visit
- Bank transfer
- Within Norway: 7032.05.56706
- International: IBAN - NO30 7032 05 56706; BIC/SWIFT – DNBANOKKXXX
- Always provide us with proof of the transfer
- Cash is not accepted
- All payments are made in Norwegian kroner (NOK)
Current exchange rate: €1 = NOK12.30
The prices for registered mail shipments are set by the Norwegian Post. Prices may change depending on the size and weight of the shipment.
Document |
Price in NOK |
Passport |
Adult (+18) |
922.50 |
Minor (-18) |
430.50 |
Temporary passport (30 days) |
123 |
Temporary passport (1 year) |
615 |
eID |
246 |
Kids-ID (-12 year) |
123 |
Registered mail |
Norway |
221 |
Europe (incl. Iceland) |
284 |
Consular certificate |
246 |
Certificate of no marriage impediment |
246 |
Certificate of life |
0 |
Drawing up of act |
Nationality, civil status |
123 |
Copy/excerpt of act |
246 |
Notarial act |
1230 |
Legalisation of signature |
246 |
Certified copy passport |
246 |